The Pickup Report is designed to be easy to use and provide the results you are after. Using this Excel sheet, you will be able to track the progress of rooms and revenue for each month on a daily basis, as long as the entry of the data is done in a consistent basis. The data won’t be reliable or useful if you fill it out daily for one week, and then skip a few days the next. Try to stick to a daily routine of entering the numbers in first thing in the morning or make it the last thing you do before leaving the office.

The Pickup Report is broken up into two files (JAN-JUN, JUL-DEC) to help keep the size and usability of the file to a better scale. Having all twelve months in one file will lead to slower load times towards the end of the year once all the fields have been filled in and calculated.

A Summary sheet – Monthly Rooms, OCC %, Revenue, ADR, Quarterly Revenues

Monthly Pickup – to track monthly revenues for current and following year

Pickup Sheet – the backend of the file, tracking the daily rooms and revenue growth for a given month

Monthly Revenue Sheets – Cleaned up versions of the Pickup Sheet to show actual daily numbers with summary of pickups.

Updated versions with full support available on the website